Greetings and happy July to all! As we persist into the seventh month of  2020, let us not forget take care of ourselves, maintain our personal well-being, and try to be positive amid these uncertain times. After all, the flora and fauna are thriving, the sun is shining, and the weather is pleasant.

group b strep disease month july 2020

For the month of July, we would like to feature Group B Strep (GBS) Awareness Month. Group B Streptococcus (Group B strep, GBS) is bacteria that can appear and disappear normally in the body and is not usually toxic to the carrier but for babies, it can be harmful. The Group B strep disease is commonly known to cause severe infection in newborns both before birth and up to 6 months of age due to their immature immune systems. Although not every baby who is exposed to GBS will become infected, for those who do, it can be devastating to them. GBS can cause miscarriage, stillborn and premature births, acute illness, and GBS may cause fatalities.

It is of the upmost importance that pregnant women ensure that they have regular screenings that can help detect this illness that they may carry onto their unborn. If a woman is shown to have this bacteria, their physician can prescribe them antibiotics during labor to decrease the bacteria in their system. Currently, there is not a vaccine for GBS. We hope that perhaps in the near future, a vaccine will be developed to help babies around the world who are at risk of contracting this bacteria and run the risk of illness.

gbs july 2020

– Dr. Ramirez

Ramirez Chiropractic A Spinal Health & Movement Center

316 Adams St. SE

Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87108

(505) 247-2373

Take Care & Be Aware

May 5, 2020

may mental health awareness monthWe are in the full depths of Spring as we ease into the month of May. It is an excellent time to enjoy the beautiful weather and abundant greenery. The month of May does bear sunny and lovely days but it also signifies Mental Health Awareness Month. At the moment, many people have had to adapt to a new way of life in quarantine; for some it is difficult to endure that is why we would like everyone to recognize this important month: Take Care and Be Aware.

Here are some ways to help in taking care of your mental health:

  • Take a few minutes for a meditation break – It does not have to be long, from about 2 to 5 minutes, just try to relax, breathe, and clear your head. Focus on your breathing, nothing else. Trust me, this definitely does help.
  • Stay connected to others– Social distancing and quarantine is in full effect in many places, it is of the upmost importance to stay connected to friends and family. Luckily, we live in a time where we can utilize technology to the fullest extent. Make sure to call and video chat friends and family often. Although you may not be able to attend dinner and birthday parties, turn it into a Zoom party!
  • Try to stay as active as possible– It is quite easy to let yourself lay out on the couch for hours either working from home or binge watching your favorite shows. Exercise is known to boost endorphin levels which may make you feel better and more attentive. Try a virtual workout or dance class, take a walk around the block or utilize your patio for at-home workouts and yoga.

Happy May to you all, we look forward to seeing you soon!

-Dr. Ramirez


Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health & Movement Center

316 Adams St. SE

Albuquerque, NM, 87108

(505) 247-2373


April Newsletter

April 14, 2020


hello april

Hello to all of our wonderful patients and happy spring! April has arrived bringing beautiful weather, sunny days, and a plethora of fragrant flora. During this time of self- quarantine, be sure to keep your self busy by taking a walk or engaging in a virtual exercise class, take up a new hobby, try a new recipe and soak up the sun.

We are continuing to make your health and safety our priority at Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health & Movement Center, by staying open to our patients here in the community. We are compliant with CDC guidelines and have been screening all patients before being seen.

To ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff, we are abiding by the following procedures:

  • All temperatures are taken before beginning treatment.
  • We ask patients to wash or sanitize their hands prior to treatment.
  • Staff wears protective mask and gloves.
  • We continuously clean our office before and after each patient on our adjusting tables and rooms.

If you are ill or have come in contact with someone who has left the country or has been near a COVID-19 patient, please stay home.

Until further notice, we will be operating under abbreviated hours for patients who are experiencing chronic pain and for open auto accident cases by appointment only.
Our abbreviated hours are as follows: Monday- Thursday from 3-6 pm

We want our patients to be assured that we are doing everything we can to be proactive for your safety and well-being! 

get through this


– Dr. Ramirez

Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health and Movement Center

316 Adams St. SE

Albuquerque, NM, 87108

(505) 247-2373

happiness image
A letter to our community,
We are aware that many are overwhelmed with the news regarding COVID-19, and we understand the impact at the moment. Here at Ramirez Chiropractic, our loyal patients are the heart of what we do and why we do it. We are committed to being both responsive and responsible. As of Monday, March 23rd we will be closing our office until Monday, April 6th where we will re-open at our regularly scheduled hours. We believe that this is the best decision for our staff, patients, and community as a whole.
If you should have any questions, or need to contact our office, we will be communicating for the next few weeks via e-mail at
Ramirez Chiropractic thanks you for allowing us to treat the wonderful Albuquerque community.
– Dr. Ramirez
Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health & Movement Center
316 Adams St. SE
Albuquerque, NM, 87108

March Into Great Health

March 5, 2020

Nutrition month 2020

March is an exciting month for it signifies the coming of spring, it is also National Nutrition Awareness Month. Receiving a regular chiropractic adjustment coupled with a healthy diet is a magnificent combination to maintain excellent health.

Here are some tips to heighten your nutrition for the month of March.

Reduce your sodium intake: With all of the delicious goodies readily available to us, it can be quite difficult to completely cut out foods that contain sodium. There are a variety of of snacks that contain a high amount of sodium , opt for choices that are labeled as “reduced sodium”. Also, try to avoid processed and pre-prepared foods as they normally contain an elevated sodium content. Reducing the amount of sodium in your diet can help lower blood pressure, reduce bloating, and decrease the possibility of headaches.

Cut down on caffeine: Ok, now I know for this section, many of us are saying, “No way!! I need my daily latte!” I for one love a caramel iced coffee myself but at least cutting back to one caffeinated beverage a day can help improve the function of your digestion system and help improve sleep.

Try to cook whenever possible: Cooking at home and using wholesome ingredients is the best option to maintain excellent health, it also saves money. Try to purchase as many fresh fruits and vegetables to incorporate into meals. When cooking, look for ingredients and items that do not contain or contain little additives and preservatives to ensure you are consuming the most vitamins and minerals. Your tummy, body and wallet will thank you! nutrition


– Dr. Ramirez

Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health and Movement Center

316 Adams St. SE, Albuquerque, NM, 87108

(505) 247- 2373


Pre- Springtime adjustments

February 24, 2020

Screen Shot 2020-02-24 at 1.58.46 PMWhen we think of Spring, many of us can envision the weather and landscape changing. After a long winter, Spring time can be anticipated as it brings along warmer weather, sunshine and flourishing flora.

Spring into excellent health by receiving chiropractic treatments.

Move Around! In the winter, many people tend to be less active and as the seasons change with warmer weather, it is easier to want to exercise. Hiking , biking, walking and running are excellent forms of outside exercise. Having regular chiropractic adjustments can help ease any tension from in the spine and body needed to assist in engaging in exercise, especially if you had not been active during the winter months.

Allergy season awaits! A large amount of people suffer from seasonal allergies and as we spend more time outside, we are prone to the itching and sneezing due to new pollen in the air.  Chiropractic care can help to alleviate such allergies. When the health of the spine is improved, the health and function of the central nervous system is also improved. Allergies tend to be an overreaction of the immune system and maintaining a strong immune system can help protect against an allergy attack. Chiropractic adjustments work to preserve a harmonious balance within the body to keep it functioning at it’s full capability.

Chiropractic Care is necessary throughout all seasons, spring into great health today!


-Dr. Ramirez

Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health & Movement Center 

316 Adams St. SE ,Albuquerque, NM, 87108

(505) 247- 2373


february chiro artAs we ease into the second month of the year, some of the resolutions we held onto for the New Year may have faded into the back of our minds. One that should always remain prevalent is maintaining our health. The best way to love yourself is to take care of your body its well- being.


As February is American Heart Health month, we encourage our patients to receive an adjustment to help keep the heart functioning well. Chiropractic care helps with the regulation of the cardiovascular system. Regular adjustments have shown to regulate blood pressure and to help reduce heart rates. Receiving an adjustment can also increase blood heart monthflow into the body and in turn keep the blood pumping into heart valves, heightening the heart for maximum function and health.

Get adjusted, your spine and heart will thank you!


– Dr. Ramirez

Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health & Movement System

316 Adams St. SE

Albuquerque, NM, 87108

(505) 247- 2373







h 2020As the New Year has already begun, we must remember to ensure that our health is at the top of our priorities, a resolution that should be held to the highest regard. To maintain the proper performance of our bodies, we must remember to get a sufficient amount of sleep, eat healthy and exercise. Also, receiving regular chiropractic treatments can help sustain excellent health and systematic function.

The healing practice of chiropractic care can help remedy troublesome ailments that many of us face on a daily basis. Aside from treating pain in the back and neck, chiropractic adjustments can help regulate blood pressure, scoliosis, organ function and can help promote mental clarity and energy.

new year new you


Stay healthy this New Year by visiting your chiropractor.

This year make a small resolution, a resolution for better health.


-Dr. Ramirez

Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health and Movement Center 

316 Adams St. SE, Albuquerque, NM, 87108

(505) 247- 9751


Winter Chiropractic Care

December 3, 2019

winter readsWinter has arrived and the anticipation for this joyous season has been on the minds of many for it delivers the holidays and in some places, snow!  Winter weather often brings frigid temperatures which can compromise the body’s overall health. Whether it be an ice related injury, a cold or the flu, winter can be an exciting but trying time of year. Thankfully, chiropractic care can help remedy seasonal ailments and maintain a healthy immune system.

Visiting your chiropractor this season is beneficial to the body in a variety of ways:

Combating the common cold and flu: Regular chiropractic adjustments can help boost the immune system by sustaining an aligned central nervous system. When the spine is properly aligned, the body is able to function more efficiently where the body is capable of maintaining health. Coupled with a healthy diet and consumption of vitamins, adjustments are a great defense mechanism to combat colds and the flu.

Alleviate body stiffness and aches: Colder weather can cause tissue within the joints to stiffen up and when it is cold, aching can occur as well. Also, people tend to stay inside and can be at a stand still with very little movement and exercise which causes the body to stiffen. Your chiropractor can loosen your joints and muscles with an adjustment to alleviate the uncomfortable symptoms you may be experiencing.

Enjoy this season to the fullest and to relish in the joy and excitement, schedule an appointment at Ramirez Chiropractic to stay pain free and healthy!

-Dr. Ramirez


Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health and Movement Center 

316 Adams St. SE

Albuquerque, New Mexico , 87108

(505) 247-2373





Thanksgiving Wishes

November 18, 2019

With Thanksgiving quickly approaching, it is time to count our blessings and contemplate what we are thankful for. Here at Ramirez Chiropractic, we are thankful for our wonderful patients. We are grateful to have the opportunity to serve our community and to heal our Albuquerque family from injuries, take the initiative for preventative care, and grow healthy together! We would like to share some Thanksgiving tips to keep you happy and healthy this season.

Maintaining stress levels: As exciting as the holidays are, they can often be a stressful time. Be sure to make some time for relaxation from the hustle and bustle of holiday shopping and family gatherings. Using stress management techniques can help you enjoy your holiday meals and functions.

  • Take deep breaths throughout the day. If you feel your muscles tensing throughout the day, take deep breaths to loosen your muscles and settle your emotions.
  • Give thanks. Put things into perspective by taking note of the things that make you feel thankful.
  • Plan ahead. Disorganization can lead to stress, planning ahead can help. Try to prep dishes ahead of time so as not to worry about cooking all at once.

Enjoy the food! But… pace yourself: One day of a strict diet or slight indulgence isn’t going to make a huge change either way.  Enjoy this time with family and don’t hold back from savoring a little piece of dessert!  Pumpkins are rich in fiber and vitamin A so enjoy the pie, soup, or seeds. Turkey helps strengthen your immune system and is a rich source of vitamin b6, protein and niacin. Potatoes contain fiber, potassium, vitamins c & b6 and are naturally gluten free. It takes about 20 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that you’re feeling full. In that time, many people overeat, pacing yourself can help. Draw out the meal by savoring your food, eating slowly, and smelling the delicious scent of each dish.

Carve out some time for an adjustment: A chiropractic adjustment can help your Thanksgiving proceed more smoothly with a variation of methods. Chiropractic adjustments boost the immune system while preventing muscle pain and injury, so you can spend your Thanksgiving enjoying time with friends and relatives. In addition to chiropractic adjustments, the chiropractor will utilize an array of techniques to help you have a happier, healthier holiday.

Our office will be closed on Thursday, November 28th and Friday, November 29th in honor of the Thanksgiving holiday. We will re- open at noon on Monday, December 2nd. Have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!

-Dr. Ramirez

Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health and Movement Center

316 Adams St. SE, Albuquerque, NM, 87108

(505) 247- 2373




With fall upon us the weather will soon be turning cooler, leaves will fall and many will suffer at the hands of seasonal headaches. There are many reasons why you may find yourself with a headache-air pressure changes, molding leaves triggering allergies or perhaps going from cool weather in the morning to hot weather by afternoon is reason enough to have a headache. No matter what the cause for your headaches, there are a some simple techniques you can try for some relief: Visit your Chiropractor. Chiropractors specialize in neck and back pain but also headache pain. Quite often headaches are the result of a problem in closely related body part such as the neck, shoulders or jaw. Chiropractic adjustments with therapy and massage often bring relief quickly for headache sufferers regardless of the time of year.

Cooler weather also signifies that time change is forthcoming.

Turning the clock back an hour often presents many of us with an extra hour of sleep but due to the practice of daylight savings time, the resulting shift in the body’s daily sleep and wake cycle can interrupt sleep for several days. In the Fall, only a small amount of people get the coveted extra hour of sleep. During the following week, many people wake up earlier, have more trouble falling asleep, and are more likely to wake up during the night.

Here are some tips to help you adjust to the time change:

  1. Try to stick to your normal routine- Continue your regular sleep and waking schedule so that your circadian rhythm will adjust itself within a week.
  2. Avoid excessive caffeine consumption and napping- Even though you may be a little more tired than usual during the time change, using naps, coffee or energy drinks to cope will make it harder to fall asleep at night thus, throwing off your sleep schedule even more.
  3. Light exposure- When waking in the morning, open up the blinds to let light seep in. Encouraging light exposure is an excellent way for the body to naturally reset and adjust to the new time.


Dr. Ramirez

Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health & Movement Center

316 Adams St. SE Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87108

(505) 247-2373






Calling all college students!

With the fall semester back in full swing, it can be very easy to neglect one’s spinal health. The long and constant hours students sit to study can lead to a curved spine and discomfort. Experiencing severe back pain can certainly put a hinder on getting the proper amount of sleep that is needed to keep the mind sharp.

Here at Ramirez Chiropractic, we have an excellent remedy for students experiencing back pain: Chiropractic adjustments. With our affordable monthly chiropractic membership of $49 (+ tax) For two adjustments a month, it is easier to get a handle on the care your body needs.

Happy fall Semester! Go Lobos!


* Prices do not reflect personal injury or accident fees

Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health & Movement Center 

316 Adams St. SE, 87108

(505) 247- 2373

Dr. Ramirez

Una Oficina Para Todos

October 14, 2019

¡Hola y feliz Lunes! Espero que todos tengan un bien fin de semana. Aquí en Ramírez Chiropractic, estamos comprometidos a brindar la mejor atención a nuestros pacientes. Nuestra oficina está abierta a todos y nos esforzamos por ayudar y aliviar el dolor de columna. 

Por que ver a un quiropráctico? Hace mas que tratar el dolor de espalda:

  • Los quiroprácticos pueden tratar el dolor de espalda pero también pueden tratar otros tipos de dolor como dolor de cuello, dolor en las articulaciones y dolores de cabeza.
  • Junto con el dolor, también puede ayudar a estimular el sistema inmuologico, acelerar el metabolismo, aliviar los problemas digestivos y aumentar la flexibilidad y movimiento.
  • Los ajustes ayudan a aumentar la energia, la vitalidad y mejoran el sueno.

La oficina está abierta en lunes desde 12- 6, martes, miercoles y jueves desde 10-12 y 3-6 y viernes desde 12-3.  ¡Dr. Ramírez y sus asistentes hablan español y esperan poder servirle!

Ramirez Chiropractic: A Spinal Health and Movement Center

316 Adams St. SE, 87108

(505) 247- 2373

Once again, fall is upon us. The crisp, cool air and leaves changing signifies the transition into cooler weather. Living in Albuquerque, we all know that fall is one the most anticipated times of the year. The aroma of roasted green chile fills the air while hot air balloons circulate and dance around the Sandia Mountains. During this busy time of year, it can be easy neglect one’s health especially when participating in the many activities that fall provides. Try to fall into these healthy habits to avoid back and neck pain:

  • Cheering on the Sidelines
    Do you love going to sporting events? Sitting on the sidelines for long periods of time can put stress on the spinal column. Avoid aches and pains the next day by bringing a supportive chair or cushion and taking time to get up and move around.
  • Cleaning Up Your Yard
    Taking time to clean up fall foliage in your yard?  Your body may not be used to spending an entire day doing labor. Break up the job to give opportunities for muscles to relax and rest, stretch before and after, and drink plenty of water to keep the bloodstream moving.
  • Pumpkin Picking
    Love heading to McCall’s pumpkin patch in Moriarity, or one of the surrounding Orchards to pick pumpkins? While this traditional Fall activity is fun, lifting heavy objects can easily weaken your back. Use a wagon around the farm and lift the pumpkins with your legs when you are loading and unloading them.
  • Everything Pumpkin
    Pumpkin pie, pumpkin lattes, pumpkin donuts, pumpkin rolls…these all sound delicious. Remember to keep them in moderation. Weight can put ongoing pressure on the spine, so to avoid low back pain keep the waistline slim.

At Ramirez Chiropractic, we want you to enjoy these fall activities and more…PAIN-FREE! It’s time to get a handle on your spinal health and live free of pain! Please call us at (505) 247-2373 to make an appointment to get a handle on your spinal health today!

316 Adams SE


Dr. Ramirez


Summer is here

June 5, 2019

Get Adjusted

Summer is here and we are ready to take care of your joint and back needs to get you ready for swimming, biking, hiking, and biking.   We are available most days, including occasional saturday for the summer.  Don’t forget to make sure to get adjusted to maximize your enjoyment of the outdoors.

Sleep and Summer

With increased daylight, and increased activities, it’s easy to push yourself and not get enough sleep.  Make sure you stay on a schedule and not push yourself too much.  Remember sleep is important for pain control or joint issues, as well as chronic conditions.  In addition, not getting enough sleep increases you chance of injury due to fatigue, as well as increased weight gain due to decreased leptin in the body which makes you hungry, and increased ghrelin, which affects your ability to feel full.

Get Adjusted

Make sure you take advantage of our $49 per month 2 treatments per month wellness plan. (* does not reflect personal injury prices*)  In addition to sleep and proper summer activities, this will ensure you make the most of you summer with having your body aligned for maximum proprioceptive potential.


Dr. Ramirez

A Spinal health and movement Center

316 Adams SE

Albuquerque NM 87108




Looking for a Chiropractor in Nob Hill?

If you are living in or visiting the vibrant Nob Hill Area of Albuquerque and need an adjustment, we would like you to consider us as your go to office.  We have been in practice for 20 years, and have been fortunate to have been in Nob Hill for the past ten years.  WE love Nob Hill, and could not imagine living anywhere where there was not such vibrancy and an eclectic energy.


Living and working in Nob Hill we see a large spectrum of patient population.  We have people from all walks of life, ethnicity’s, and professions; university students, professionals,  bike enthusiast, foodies, and retirees.  This makes for a vibrant practice, and we feel fortunate to be able to serve this unique community.


Because we have such a large variety of patient population, I feel it important to be accessible to everyone, as much as possible.  I personally believe that the quality of treatments we give should be priced at $84 per treatment because of everything we do during the treatment including the adjustment.  In addition, 20 years experience, and advanced practice certification certainly is in keeping with the value of what we offer.  However, I want to remain accessible to everyone and anyone that needs care, especially in the Nob Hill area.  I don’t want to move to the heights and charge more but have a different. less diverse patient population.  So we keep our prices down as much as possible to $40 per visit and even offer a membership wellness plan that brings the price per visit even lower. (*does not reflect personal injury or auto accident prices*)


We are committed to stay here in Nob Hill Albuquerque, and we plant our flag and make the decision to stay as long as we are able to serve.


Dr. Ramirez


A Spinal Health and Movement Center

Spring Adjustments

March 21, 2019

Spring 2019 is here

We are now almost at the end of March 2019 and spring is around the corner.  For many this means increased activities, allergies, and time clock changes.  This added changes means more stress on the body, in addition to the already overworked and overstressed demands of life.  With these demands, there is an increase of pressure on the joints from increased loading and increased activity demands on the joints.  In addition, the allergy season will increase histamine in the body and sensitize receptors already under increased demands which means people will experience more aches, pains, and fatigue.

Get adjusted

This is a great time to get adjusted and treated to reduce stress demands on the joints and improve your experience of spring without pain!  

We are offering our continued membership of two treatments (adjustment and soft tissue prep) for $49 per month. (*does not reflect personal injury prices*).  It is a popular program and the people who are on it for stress reduction are really liking what we do, and our approach to Chiropractic care.

Call us today and schedule.

Dr. Ramirez


Fall is in the Air!

October 9, 2018

Balloons in Albuquerque signal the start of cold weather and fall!

At A Spinal Health and Movement Center we don’t need to look up to know the cold weather is here, our patients tell us because their knees, backs, and joints hurt more.  In fact, they are fairly good predictors of bad weather approaching.  Why is this so?  Why would the weather have anything to do with increased pain in the joints.

Well it may have to do with a combination of changes in barometric pressure and cold affecting sensitive mechanoreceptors and pressure receptors in  the knees, back and joints.  In fact when there is degenerative joint disease, the brain does a pretty good job of de-sensitizing the incoming brain signals.  This inhibition of degenerative joint disease pain signals is stopped at a place called the thalamus, as well as pain signals blocked in the mid-brain and spinal cord.  The brain has better things for us to do than to constantly be aware of our joints hurting so it does a pretty good job without us even being aware of the constant changing and degenerative affects of our aging bodies.  All the brain ask of us is sleep so it can rest and repair.  Not a bad deal!

When the brain is overwhelmed by pain signals

Changes in barometric pressure, changes in temperature, changes in load and joint pressure, changes in inflammation, changes in metabolic chemistry such as high blood sugar or disease, and changes in environment all stress the joints mechanoreceptors and cause them to increase signaling of sensitive nerves located deep in the knees, back, neck and joints.  What was a homeostatic balance of tissue breakdown and repair that the brain can manage is now an overwhelming cascade of pain (nociceptive) stimulation.  Kind of like having construction done at your home on a Saturday morning, instead of 9-5pm while you are at work.  Suddenly, and quite painfully you are now aware of what is hurting.. It may seem like new pain, but it is not, it is only new awareness.

What to do with this problem.

At A Spinal Health and Movement Center we address the problem by giving the brain some much needed help.  In addition to the rest the brain needs we can help it by

1. relieving some of the joint pressure with spinal and joint adjustments thereby reducing pressure.

2. adjusting in a way the balances the body and helps deliver maximum stimulation to the spinal cord and thalamus thereby closing the door on increased pain signaling.  Kind of like closing the door to the construction noise outside your home.

Chiropractic is uniquely suited to stimulate the joints, reduce mechanoreceptor pain, and help the brain adapt to it’s enviornment!

Pretty awesome stuff if you ask me!

So come in today, sooner than later to get adjusted this fall!

Dr. Ramirez

316 Adams SE

Albuquerque NM 87108


We will be closed Labor Day!



We are closed this weekend and will reopen Tuesday at 10am.

We know many people are hitting the roads driving heading to camps, lakes, or family trips. We will be here to help take care of any joint or musculoskeletal issues that may develop over the holiday.  Have a fun and safe time off.

Dr. Ramirez


A Spinal Health and Movement







Back hurts! Make an appointment today!

Office visits start at $40 per treatment and Wellness plans $49 per month !!

*does not reflect personal injury prices*

A Spinal Health and Movement Center

316 Adams SE


Wellness Plans that work!

A Spinal Health and Movement Center is happy to announce that our Chiropractic wellness plans are in full swing and the patients that are on the twice a month treatment plan (includes adjustment, modalities, and intersegmental traction) report that it is helping them fell better, reduce stress, reduce pain, and give them the self care to get them through the pressures and demands of life.

This is a new and unique concept and we are glad that people are responding well to our approach.  We started this program with the hope it would be of service to our patients  and have worked out the glitches in the autopay program using mindbody software programs that allows us to offer this incredible service at an affordable cost of 40 per visit or $49 per month wellness plan. *prices do not reflect personal injury rates*

We have had a wide variety of patients who are tired of paying exorbinant cost on other plans costing in the thousands of dollars and requiring contracts.  It was and is our mission to provide the best care at the most affordable price.  We do not require a contract, but only ask patients try the wellness plan for two months before deciding if it’s something they would like to continue.  So far we have over 50 people consistently on our plan and report they love the benefits.

Comprehensive treatment!

Our wellness plans include modalites; extremity adjusting, traction, and some soft tissue work as part of the treatment.  This is different than other centers that only provide adjustments, or not include extremity adjustments, or modalities. Our visits, we feel are comprehensive and affordable for most people.  In fact, the reports and feedback we are getting is very positive, and our patients report they are making this part of their self-care plan for as long as we continue the program.

We hope we can continue to offer this program for a long time, but we will limit it’s growth to 100 members so at this time we are about 50percent of the way there.

Call today or make an appointment to get in on Albuquerque’s best kept secret.

Dr. Ramirez

A Spinal Health and Movement Center       505-247-2373

316 Adams SE

Albuquerque, NM 87108




Our “holistic approach”

This week I was reminded by someone who had a treatment at our office that what we do is so very helpful not only for pain and stress, but also for the mind .  She was complimenting our office as being different than many chiropractic offices she had been to.  She commented that our office feels more like a spa, and the treatments are a helpful in relaxing her mind and body thereby reducing the stress of the week.

For sure, we try to create a space where it is not only an affordable option for many to get regular Chiropractic care, but also find a place that gives them a healing environment where they can find rest for their mind and body. So I was happy to hear that we on the right track.

Many Chiropractors are getting away from using modalities such as moist heat, interferential stimulation, mechanical massage tables, and soft tissue massage prior to adjustments.  Many believe the adjustment is enough, they will argue.  While it does allow them see people in and out more quickly, the patient’s that come to see us stay with us because they say they prefer our approach.

Our approach takes more time, and is well thought out for a good reason.  We don’t just go to adjust the back without consideration to the person. We consider the person’s brain needing treatment as well.  This begins the moment you enter our office.  Our waiting time is short, and we have a beautiful professionally equipped office with relaxing surrounding music to welcome you.  We have been told many times this begins to immediately put the person at ease, lowering stress, and creating a sense of security. We then bring the patient back to an area where we place them supine (face up) 1o minutes on a intersegmental massage table to relax the back, but more importantly to have a transition time between the outside environment and the inside.  This is important to have the mind and body to begin to relax by calming the left hemisphere chatter and begin to engage the right hemisphere by reconnecting it with the body’s proprioceptive awareness.

We will move them next to a massage table or adjustment table and place them prone (face down) and apply moist heat, and light interferential stimulation which relaxes the muscles and improves circulation thereby reducing muscular tension and joint pain. We do this for 15 minutes to 30 minutes depending on the persons needs at the moment.  Afterward, soft tissue massage to areas of complaint, followed by an adjustment to lower back, mid back, or neck depending on what is needed at the time of treatment.  Total treatment time may  vary  between 30 minutes to 40 minutes depending on the needs of the person at the time of treatment. Everyone is an individual.

And we are still able to do this at an affordable price!  Our appointment based treatment visits start at $40 per treatment, and even better if you are on a no contract membership wellness plan of two visits per month for only $49 dollars. *does not include personal injury prices* This includes relaxation on the intersegmental table, heat, interferential stim to relax muscles, soft tissue prep and adjustment!

On the other hand I suppose if I wanted to I could speed things up a bit and skip the intersegmental table not allow the transition time we believe the mind needs; or I could skip the moist heat and not relax the tissues.  I could also skip the interferential stimulation and forget about reducing the pain signals and/or relaxing the muscles.  And about the soft tissue massage prior to adjustment, well I’m a Chiropractor not a masseuse so forget that as well…Let’s just do the adjustment, in and out.  I could have that approach of only adjusting, and that would be helpful to many patients for sure, because adjustments on their own are therapeutic, but my point is what makes us different is that we treat the mind of the patient as well as the body…And this takes time!  Therefore we are committed to giving you the time that it needs to relax before an adjustment and return to an internal proprioceptive state, thereby treating the you in a truly holistic approach.  Our Approach!


Ruben Ramirez DC

A Spinal Health and Movement Center












Office Hours

September 7, 2016

Fall 2018 Office Hours

A Spinal Health and Movement Center is happy to announce that we will be open for Chiropractic treatment during lunch Monday thru Friday.    We have had request from many patient’s for availability during lunch hours for the fall. (exceptions are holidays and special event days).

Our new office hours will be:

Monday  2-6pm

Tues thru Thursday

10am-1pm and 3pm -6pm

Friday 12-3PM


Office treatment rates start at $40 which includes exam, treatment, and adjustment.  We offer internet discounts so look at our website for any specials on the first treatment we may be running. *does not include personal injury prices

Thank you and Please call our office and schedule an appointment.

Dr. Ramirez


316 Adams SE

Albuqeurque, NM 87108








Summer Adjustments

June 13, 2016

Fun in the Sun.

July is warming up and people are out swimming, hiking, and running. Unfortunately, some people may injure themselves as these outdoor activities increase and at this time may need to see a chiropractor.   A Spinal Health and Movement Center is here to help you when you need to get adjusted. Our goal is to reduce the likelihood of your summer activities being cut short due to injuries. We would  like you to enjoy the beautiful New Mexico outdoors, and recommend you get adjusted regularly to help prevent you from experiencing  injury such as an ankle strain, shoulder injury, or back pain.

During office visits, we often times find a weakness in a joint that may be susceptible to injury especially with an increase demand of activity on the joint that comes from increased summer activities. This is the reason I recommend regular Chiropractic care  to detect and improve weakness in the body.  Our prevention and wellness plan is a  twice a month treatment plan at $49 plus tax  per month which includes heat packs to muscles, area soft tissue work, traction, e-stim and all necessary adjustments to the body.  These modalities to reduce tension, improve proprioception, and improve balance bilateral motor tone.

Prevention of injury is the key to a long and fun summer.


Have a great summer and remember to get adjusted regularly.


Dr. Ramirez

316 Adams SE


People ask me how long I have been a Chiropractor and  what led me to decide to be a Chiropractor.  I would like to share my story in this blog post and include it in our website under the FAQ section.

I have been in practice in Albuquerque, NM for approximately 19 years since graduating Chiropractic College in 1996. I am now 50 but my story in this field began when I was just 22 years old. After my first degree, I secured a position in a Chiropractic Clinic (Family Chiropractic) in El Paso, Texas. It was there that I worked and excelled in all aspects of the Chiropractic Clinic from the ground up. I was mentored, and eventually encouraged to attend Chiropractic College by the two Chiropractic owners at Family Chiropractic. They helped me believe in myself, and see that I was an intelligent hard worker who had an energy of service. I was encouraged by my employers to seriously consider Chiropractic as a profession. So along with their encouragement, and the belief and help of those around me that loved me, I returned to University and began to take Science classes for the first time. I excelled in Anatomy and loved the Sciences!. I was like a duck in water…I finally found my fit! and it was one of the best thing that could have ever happened to me. Over time, I continuned to work full time at Family Chiropractic while taking courses to prepare for the required prerequisite Science courses needed to enter Chiropractic College. Finally, at 26 years old I moved to Dallas and matriculated full-time at Parker Chiropractic College. Soon after graduation in 1996 with a bachelors degree in Anatomy, and Doctor of Chiropractic Degree, I moved to New Mexico where I have been in private practice ever since. I am truly grateful for the encouragement of people who believed in me when I needed it most. This is the reason I try to see the gifts in others, and encourage young people wherever possible. I am thankful for this profession, and eternally grateful for those who helped me find my personal path.

Ruben Ramirez DC APC

316 Adams SE

Albuquerque NM 87108

Trust Chiropractic care.

At A Spinal Health and Movement Center, people call us with all kinds of questions and inquiries regarding what techniques do we use? what can we do for this, or that pain? what is one to expect? Do we use manual techniques? Are there hidden charges?

Many of these questions are easily answered in our FAQ section of our website and we try to address the immediate concerns, but in my opinion, I believe that when people find our site on the internet, and who are not immediately referred by a family or friend to our practice, the real question they are asking is:

Can I trust you?

It’s a fair question. After all most people who are in pain, are experiencing pain from inflammation and dysfunction in areas of neck, back, or other conditions such as degenerative disc disease, sciatica, muscular spasm, or extremity or joint pain. This joint dysfunction and inflammation often times results in certain receptors firing nociceptive (pain) input through the nerves to higher order neurons and eventually reaching the relay center of the brain called the thalamus.

The effect of this pain not only reaches the thalamus but also the cortex for the awareness and experience of pain. Other things happen as well. For example, the limbic system senses the emotional effects of this nociceptive input, and responds with the person often times feeling emotions of sadness, and feelings of being overwhelmed by primal feelings they often times don’t express.

Another part of the limbic system, a more primitive center, the amygdala, will fire off resulting in a protective kind of fear, with the avoidance centers activating protective measures.  This part of the brain is there to protect you, and to help you avoid further damage to the body, and whether internal or external triggers are the cause, to the deep part of the brain, it does not matter. In fact, to confuse things even further, you may make up stories to make sense of what is happening during this time.

So with seemingly simple “musculoskeletal pain” there is a lot of suffering happening. And there is a lot of complicated nervous system, and emotional system involvement going on which includes pain, fear, and avoidance.

We understand this makes it difficult to trust someone to help during this time, after all, a person is vulnerable due to this period of pain.  Therefore we make it our purpose and mission to approach our methods to help alleviate this suffering in a way that will make it easier for you to trust us. Whether it’s through providing a beautiful spa-like office full of tranquility and music, or using modalities like heat, massage, interferential stimulation to relax the body and mind prior to adjustment. This helps for a better treatment experience, with less resistance of the body, and therefore less pain. We are committed to make it easy for you to come see us and try us out. This is the reason we offer a discount on our first exam and treatment so that the amygdala does not keep you from avoiding us.  We try to make it easy for you to see us and get the care you need.

There is a method to our approach, and it comes from 18 years in practice, and we do this with the purpose in mind that we understand what is happening to you when you hurt, and we want you to trust us in doing what we can to help you.

Thank you for your Trust!

Dr. Ramirez


Chiropractor  Specials

A Spinal Health and Movement Center is offering a $40 Special for the first Chiropractic Treatment for a limited time. *does not reflect personal injury prices

This is an unbelievable deal for a Chiropractic adjustments which include soft tissue prep to area of complaint, interferential therapy,  and moist heat to the area of pain or tension prior to adjustment.

We thought that this is a great way for the growing Albuquerque Community that has not seen us to get to know us, and a great way for us to give back to the city that has been good to us.. So for a limited time offer we are offering new patients an introductory price of $40 so you can get to know us, as others have, and experience for yourself if what we have to offer.

We look forward to seeing you in our Nob Hill Area location at:

316 Adams SE in the Highland Loft Building.

Find us at

Thank you, Albuquerque.

Dr. Ramirez


Find a Chiropractor near me!

February 25, 2015

Siri…Find a Chiropractor near me.

If you are like many people these days, you are using your iPhone for location of business and products.  Technology has really come a long way and now google and Siri have changed the way we look up services.  But what should you really be asking when searching for a Chiropractor near you? What are the questions to ask?  And should you go to someone down the block without trying several places out first?

It used to be people would ask a friend or family member who they liked and what results they are getting.  But individual needs and differences vary, and so the Chiropractor you see will need to vary as well.  But the truth is that people are really asking the question “who can I trust!”

$40 First Visit!

There are all kinds of apples in the healthcare barrel, and we Chiropractors have our share of good and bad, just like all professions.  And to be sure,  I’ve met some really talented and committed Chiropractic professionals out there, some of which are affordable, others which are prohibitively priced, and not easy to seek regular care for many people, especially those without insurance. Therefore, we strive for the highest quality and professionalism and are committed to provide this care at an easy, affordable price.

We are so committed to do our part to meet peoples needs, and earn your Trust, we offer a $40 first visit so you can try us out for yourself and let us earn your trust.

We believe that we offer so much during our treatments and we want to make it easy for you to try us out with a very low commitment on your first visit.  Our regular office visits are only $40 per treatment, and even less if you are on a membership plan. (only about $25 per treatment for wellness care). *does not reflect personal injury prices

At A Spinal Health and Movement Center, we are committed to offering high quality chiropractic care… so during your treatment, in addition to a highly skilled adjustment, you will receive a heat treatment, interferential stimulation, and local soft tissue massage to relax areas of stress and pain.  Our approach is to relax the mind and body, so we have a spa like office with relaxing music that helps calm your nervous system and allow you to relax during the treatments.

We never have high pressure sales, high cost, or expensive difficult to get out of contracts, and we will never use fear to make you come in for treatments.  We respect you and value your health too much to use those approaches.  We make it easy, affordable, and accessible for you to receive your Chiropractic care.

Dr. Ramirez

A Spinal Health and Movement Center.

316 Adams SE

Albuquerque, NM 87108


I’m worried about my neck getting adjusted, I’ve read and heard some really scary things about it, what techniques does your Chiropractor in Albuquerque use, especially for neck adjustments?

A Spinal Health and Movement Center Chiropractors utilize a variety of traditional techniques that are taught in Chiropractic College, as well as techniques taught in Post Graduate Courses in Manual Medicine, and we use a combination of methods that are appropriate for each individual. In addition, we also utilize Myofascial Techniques, coupled together with our adjustments, and have developed our own unique and specific style of technique.

With regards to the upper cervical spine (C1,C2) we acknowledge that is the area of the spine that is most vulnerable for Vertebral Artery Dissection. This area is especially potentially vulnerable to forceful manipulative techniques that utilize excessive over rotation and excessive lateral bending. This vulnerability of the upper cervical area of the spine (C1,C2), combined with overaggressive manipulative techniques, is possibly implicated in a very small and very rare number of cases of Vertebral Artery Dissection, (leading to Stroke), that has been reported in the medical literature. We take your health very seriously, and understand the risk/reward of intervention of pain vs. techniques used to relieve that pain. Furthermore, the risk of Vertebral Artery Dissection, however small and rare, is a concern for us and we are committed to minimize any risk, no matter how small and rare, as much as possible.

Therefore, our approach is to manually adjust the lower cervical segments (C3, C4, C5) in a modified manual technique that reduces excessive rotation and excessive lateral bending of the neck as much as possible, thereby potentially reducing risk of Vertebral Artery Dissection. The upper cervical spine (C1, C2) and occiput is adjusted with a mechanical adjusting instrument and myofascial release techniques of occipital and upper cervical musculature. We find this approach is safer, and equally effective in reducing upper cervical neck pain, and headaches, without the extreme rotation and lateral bending of the neck that is used in some adjusting techniques. We also recommend our patients seek medical attention first for any headaches, dizziness, or upper cervical pain, prior to seeking chiropractic care to rule out medical conditions that may be a source of these symptoms.

Dr. Ramirez

A Spinal Health and Movement Center


Below is the anatomy of the cervical spine and vasculature.

Source:  Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy. (JNPT)


Affordable Chiropractic Treatments in Albuquerque, NM

Since 1996, A Spinal Health and Movement Center / Ramirez Chiropractic has been serving the Albuquerque Community with quality Chiropractic Care. And now, we would like to give back a little.

We are offering a $40 Special for the first Chiropractic Treatment for a limited time.   Afterward our treatment prices are $40 per visit, or as little as $25 per visit on a bi-monthly Monthly Wellness Plan.  An unbelievable deal for a Chiropractic adjustments which include soft tissue work to area of complaint, interferential therapy and moist heat prior to adjustment.

We thought that this is a great way for the growing Albuquerque Community that has not seen us to get to know us, and a great way for us to give back to the city that has been good to us.  Since 1996, we have been a part of the Albuquerque Community and have helped thousands of people with stress, musculoskeletal pain, and injury.  To be sure, it’s been quite an experience, but we would not trade one minute of it because it has made us the practice we are today – A high quality, low cost, efficient practice that cares about the human condition and treats everyone special regardless of position, title, or status.

Albuquerque is a melting pot of people from everywhere, and every walk of life;  and we are fortunate to have met so many interesting and unique individuals over the years. We feel grateful for the trust that our patient population has given us over the past 18 years.  So for a limited time offer we are offering new patients an introductory price of $40 so you can get to know us, as others have,  and experience for yourself if what we have to offer is of value to you and your health…We believe it is.

We look forward to seeing you in our Nob Hill Area location at 316 Adams SE in the Highland Loft Building.

316 Adams SE, Albuquerque NM 87108.

Find us at

Thank you, Albuquerque.

Dr. Ramirez
