I’m worried about my neck getting adjusted, I’ve read and heard some really scary things about it, what techniques does your Chiropractor in Albuquerque use, especially for neck adjustments?

A Spinal Health and Movement Center Chiropractors utilize a variety of traditional techniques that are taught in Chiropractic College, as well as techniques taught in Post Graduate Courses in Manual Medicine, and we use a combination of methods that are appropriate for each individual. In addition, we also utilize Myofascial Techniques, coupled together with our adjustments, and have developed our own unique and specific style of technique.

With regards to the upper cervical spine (C1,C2) we acknowledge that is the area of the spine that is most vulnerable for Vertebral Artery Dissection. This area is especially potentially vulnerable to forceful manipulative techniques that utilize excessive over rotation and excessive lateral bending. This vulnerability of the upper cervical area of the spine (C1,C2), combined with overaggressive manipulative techniques, is possibly implicated in a very small and very rare number of cases of Vertebral Artery Dissection, (leading to Stroke), that has been reported in the medical literature. We take your health very seriously, and understand the risk/reward of intervention of pain vs. techniques used to relieve that pain. Furthermore, the risk of Vertebral Artery Dissection, however small and rare, is a concern for us and we are committed to minimize any risk, no matter how small and rare, as much as possible.

Therefore, our approach is to manually adjust the lower cervical segments (C3, C4, C5) in a modified manual technique that reduces excessive rotation and excessive lateral bending of the neck as much as possible, thereby potentially reducing risk of Vertebral Artery Dissection. The upper cervical spine (C1, C2) and occiput is adjusted with a mechanical adjusting instrument and myofascial release techniques of occipital and upper cervical musculature. We find this approach is safer, and equally effective in reducing upper cervical neck pain, and headaches, without the extreme rotation and lateral bending of the neck that is used in some adjusting techniques. We also recommend our patients seek medical attention first for any headaches, dizziness, or upper cervical pain, prior to seeking chiropractic care to rule out medical conditions that may be a source of these symptoms.

Dr. Ramirez

A Spinal Health and Movement Center



Below is the anatomy of the cervical spine and vasculature.

Source:  Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy. (JNPT)


Affordable Chiropractic Treatments in Albuquerque, NM

Since 1996, A Spinal Health and Movement Center / Ramirez Chiropractic has been serving the Albuquerque Community with quality Chiropractic Care. And now, we would like to give back a little.

We are offering a $40 Special for the first Chiropractic Treatment for a limited time.   Afterward our treatment prices are $40 per visit, or as little as $25 per visit on a bi-monthly Monthly Wellness Plan.  An unbelievable deal for a Chiropractic adjustments which include soft tissue work to area of complaint, interferential therapy and moist heat prior to adjustment.

We thought that this is a great way for the growing Albuquerque Community that has not seen us to get to know us, and a great way for us to give back to the city that has been good to us.  Since 1996, we have been a part of the Albuquerque Community and have helped thousands of people with stress, musculoskeletal pain, and injury.  To be sure, it’s been quite an experience, but we would not trade one minute of it because it has made us the practice we are today – A high quality, low cost, efficient practice that cares about the human condition and treats everyone special regardless of position, title, or status.

Albuquerque is a melting pot of people from everywhere, and every walk of life;  and we are fortunate to have met so many interesting and unique individuals over the years. We feel grateful for the trust that our patient population has given us over the past 18 years.  So for a limited time offer we are offering new patients an introductory price of $40 so you can get to know us, as others have,  and experience for yourself if what we have to offer is of value to you and your health…We believe it is.

We look forward to seeing you in our Nob Hill Area location at 316 Adams SE in the Highland Loft Building.

316 Adams SE, Albuquerque NM 87108.

Find us at Albuquerque-Chiropractors.com

Thank you, Albuquerque.

Dr. Ramirez



Most Affordable Chiropractor in Albuquerque.

We believe we are the Most Affordable Chiropractor in Albuquerque, NM. because we offer a first time office visit discount of $40!  (normal price $80) Why do we include interferential stimulation, heat pack, soft tissue work to the area of complaint prior to adjustment? I feel it prepares the body for the adjustment, and it’s something that we feel is important for lasting and satisfying results.

We have been around since 1996 and have done a lot of injury work over the years and feel this way really gets results, and people feel better.   We believe it so much that I give the best of my treatments to everyone whether they can pay for the full modalities along with the adjustments or not.  Not everyone can get the same care that is required when someone is injured from a car accident, and so I’m willing to give my best to everyone whether they have insurance that will pay for the modalities or not.   So if you are paying out of pocket for your care, I am willing to give you my best and help you with all I have to offer at an affordable chiropractic price to you because I believe everyone deserves my best treatment.

Our Treatment Rates are after the first visit are $40 per visit on an appointment basis but if you sign up for the monthly wellness plan you can get up to 2 treatments for $49 per month while it last.  Come in anytime Monday – Friday you can be sure to get the Adjustment, heat, E-stim, and some soft tissue work. Wellness Plan or Come as you need basis. You decide which program fits your lifestyle.

Now that’s Affordable Chiropractic Care!

Dr. Ramirez


A Spinal Health and Movement Center  (505-247-2373)